Wandering Worlds Air Balloon by Monty Monty
Heirlooms rig this world-traveler, invoking the inventors of yesteryear.
One's imagination soars with this vintage aerial vehicle, exploring the uncharted skies with a built-in viewer and directional gauges.
Enjoy the new view aboard the Wandering Worlds Air Balloon in the wild blue yonder!
The "Wandering Worlds Air Balloon" ventures into the blue yonder
with artful ingenuity and an aviator check list.
One's imagination soars with this vintage aerial vehicle, exploring the uncharted skies with a built-in viewer and directional gauges.
Enjoy the new view aboard the Wandering Worlds Air Balloon in the wild blue yonder!
The "Wandering Worlds Air Balloon" ventures into the blue yonder
with artful ingenuity and an aviator check list.

The Cargo List:
* Vintage 12" Globemaster globe - Replogle Globes, Inc. U.S.A.
* Decorative 8" world globe
* Silver plated 9 spoon top propeller
* Wood & metal craft rings
* Hand crafted basket
* Globe directional gauge
* Antique iron curtain rod hangers
* Wood plank floor boards
* Large port hole see-through windows
* Jar lid window frames
* Two navigation maps in glass vials
* Vintage skeleton keys
* Luggage pad lock
* Lead weight sand bags
* Vintage brass power pressure nozzle
* Antique camp stove housing
* Gas flex line tubing
* Imported brass candle holder remnants
* Grappling tri-hook anchor
* Metal directional wind flag
* Metal buckle control handle
* Furnace key rudder
* Antique clock gears
* Metal plumbing pipe
* Imported brass bell door knocker
* Colander piece air vent
* Golf tee
* Copper and aluminum tubing
* Vintage spark plug gap gauge
* Upholstery tacks
* Antique lamp remnants
* Brass lamp fixtures
* Fabricated wire ladders
* Custom string rope rigging
* Nuts, bolts, screws, wire, springs & hardware
Scale: 70'" tall x 13" wide