New View Air Balloon by Monty Monty
An extraordinary world balloon appears from a forgotten yesteryear. This vintage aerial vehicle evokes a by-gone era that once inspired imagination around the world. This world traveler is rigged with heirlooms and modeled after the early inventions
of explorers who took to the uncharted skies in search of a new view. The "New View Air Balloon" ventures into the blue yonder with artful ingenuity and an aviator check list. * Vintage 12" Rand Mc Nally world globe, U.S.A. * Antique 8" globe of Japan * Silver spoons prop propeller * Wood craft rings * Hand crafted basket * Antique iron pull handles * Wood plank floor boards * Large port hole windows * Jar lid window frames * Three navigation maps in glass vials * Fabricated metal map rack * Vintage skeleton key * Old pad lock * Lead weight sand bags * Sand bags ear ring * Ornamental metal sphere * Round metal air vent * Antique cut glass flame container * Fabricated grappling hook anchor * Metal directional wind flags * Metal buckle control handle * Furnace key * Vintage glass jar * Golf tee * Antique faucet handle * Chrome mixer head * Upholstery tacks * Copper flex tubing * Stainless steel sink strainer * Multiple brass lamp fixtures & remnants * Fabricated wire ladders * Custom metal ring & string rope rigging * Nuts, bolts, screws, wire, springs & hardware Scale: 62'" tall x 14" wide |