Properly assembled and appropriately attired the Chicken Lady is ready to do some counting. Sporting cowboy boots and a cup cake skirt that shows off her spindle legs, the Chicken Lady carries her wares with an open heart and can openers too. She puts all her eggs in one basket which happens to be a cast iron kettle. Despite all appearances she is well balanced and fearless, after all she is the Chicken Lady and is not afraid to cross the road because she knows that eventually she will get to the other side.
The Chicken Lady Accessories:
* Vintage yarn spindle legs * Wood handle left arm with spring hand * Right can opener arm and hand * Tin cup-cake mold skirt * Tin can body * Wood bead head * Can opener wings * Gourd hat band * Tea strainer cap * Carved wood chicken top * Rounded wood shoulders * Reflective leg garter * Cast iron kettle pot * White bead and plastic egg * Carved pencil * Brass arm band * Ear ring necklace * Gold chain belt * Gold star * Key on a string * Nick - Nack cowboy boots * Machine sprocket * Solid wood base