Standing tall and sporting the customary company uniform the Standard Ink Man is No. 1 at what he does. This stand up guy does not screw around and is not afraid to get his clothes dirty. He sets the standard wherever he goes always putting his best foot forward looking for that stamp of approval while making good impressions. He is not overwhelmed with his brush with success and is quick to erase any mistakes along his way. After a long days work he enjoys returning to his pad where he can rest and relax. This is his reward and standard procedure.
The Standard Ink Man Accessories: * Vintage tool handle arms and legs * General's KIMBERLY type writer eraser * Brass light socket head * Tin can body * Standard ink blue suit * Fabricated wood cap * Wood remnant chest * Spring hands * Fabricated wood shoes * Black tube socks * Metal knee brace * Vintage Standard Ink Pad briefcase * Skeleton key on a string * Solid wood base * Copper tube * Nuts, bolts and screws